Computer Unit
Spring... it's time for love and feelings, time for clinical symptoms of mental illness, forgery, scandal and manuscript burning. For a year now, my disease has been manifested in the manufacture of a rotten motto: Well, as always, in order... If you've never tried to get a piece of non-ferrous metal for your own business, this article can only give you a smile... It would seem like we could buy anything, not that a piece of lumini is a hell of a step, but it's not that simple... If you decide to buy a piece of aluminium leaf, you'll face a lack of understanding of the traders... their order is simple, or buy a huge leaf for a thousand bucks or bye... Attempts to get cherished metal in factories are also doomed - it's been stolen long ago and turned into scrap metal. Well, there's a scrape on the fermentation points, too, except for fresh paint wires and cables, there's only the details of cars and old pots... It's such a closed circle waiting for any improvised person to find a piece of luminum or a copper bun. But it's not that bad... everyone who really needs to deal with this problem has different ways.
So, my “throughs” have helped me in a strange way... I've been looking for a flat sheet of 10 mm aluminium for the body of a silent computer, and I've found my head... Now I'm going to describe all the techs, but I don't want to swear on me for the quality of the pictures, the filming of a brilliant luminum is just a impossible exercise...
List was kind of uneven and not very new... from the veins on his surface, he was stubborn with some cooking... ten years in a row... After that, the benzorez was kicked and broke into four parts... based on a geometry disorder, the leaflets were broken by a rug. Full pop, word. ♪
Well... there's nothing to do, there were no other options, and I decided to use what I have. First thing I do is stitch the sheets.
We're gonna need a 3-kilogram and a rubber kyank to do this. On the concrete floor of the garage, a rubber mat. I'm going to put on my eye the curvature of the sheet and the place to knock. In my left hand, I'll take a rubber shade into the right doll. I'll put a shine in the right place, and I'll put a piece on it. ♪ ♪