Make A Pc On The Order

It seems to me that this article will be of interest to developers who want to order single samples of products and to those who wish to start serial production of their products. Similarly, on the site to be discussed, already produced Asian suppliers may be ordered to be free of intermediaries.
Most important. Or without what further action will be completely inconscious.
1. It must be understood that Asian producers are primarily a technical tool for your project. I would not recommend that they should be trusted with your project, or with some contentious issues. I mean, " We have not yet developed (not finalized) our drawings taking into account the K-factor at the coordinate flexing of the sheet metal. Please refine our drawings to obtain the desired final dimensions of the product. " This task will not be done in most cases. Specifically, the order will be accepted and made, but the final product will probably disappoint you. In Asia, there is a clear separation between services and production processes. If you're not sure what you're going to do, you need to make the necessary adjustments (stretch your tails) here on Rodina, asking people who know the question. I don't mean they'll try to fool you at every step. On the contrary. All the ways they can access will help you and guide your project to the right track. But they won't do your job for you.2. Knowledge of language. In order to find, communicate (which will be the MULT) with the perpetrator, English must be well known.

Because I ordered samples. Mini casing- The computer and the power unit for him, it's a metal processing and a radio electronic device.
By the way, before I start the order, I've studied the subject in detail.
1. Partial simulation and assembly programme and visualization - Solidworks
2. Air flow simulation - Solidworks
3. Materials maintenance.
4. Nomenclatures and operating principles of Freight Stations with CPs (all types), laser cuttings on metal, grammar equipment.
5. Pressure stamp and lithium technologies, as well as the production of literary forms.
6. Finish detail processing. Sliphage, sandbox, color anodation.
7. Principles for building high-frequency food units. Schemo technician. Software. floods, induction, grounding, elementary base.
This has enabled the task to be optimized, the right model being prepared for further production. Even all of this knowledge was not sufficient for the successful implementation of the project. Learned the course. By the way, knowing the subject, it's pretty easy to point out to the supplier the deficiencies in his work. And they will.
When I searched the Internet for a better site to deal with Asian suppliers, I found this site designed to operate a customer and a supplier directly without intermediaries. You can find everything here. Starting from finished goods and services to the production of new product samples. You may have an interest in the executing area, you may be directly contacted by an acquiescenced supplier or a tender for the production of your product.