Noise Insulation Computer

Antichum computer tuning As soon as the computer became part of the household interior, it immediately had a number of specific deficiencies that were not in the workplace. One such failure is the noise caused by the system block. The noise is small, but it is. And if you like to sit at night behind the monitor or, for example, have to launch some sort of computer-assed night process, the noise created by the system block will give you and your environment a lot of unpleasant minutes. I came to the conclusion that the strongest noise makes fans. Regrettably, Noise Killer (automatic flow controller with thermometer) on my hull from InWin was not working, and therefore the power cell fan worked at maximum speed. Accordingly, it was the source of maximum noise. The processor has Zalman with a low speed and no noise producing. The nature of the fan noise has two sources. The first is the sound of the air flowing through the wings. The scapegoat and generally untreated. The result is turbulent air time, respectively noise. The second is the vibration of the fan rotor due again to the inaccuracy of the wing. Accordingly, two pathways are visible: reduction of the speed of vents and the installation of demphs between the fan and the Computer♪ The reduction of the fan speed reduces its productivity, the volume of the air pumped is therefore affected by temperature conditions. Additional fans are needed to compensate for this phenomenon. You don't have to scare it, it's gonna make noise all the same. It also applies to the golden rule of mechanics, losing the number of fans, but winning noise. I mean, we have his absence. Or it's easier to say, a couple, a triple of suffocations, in sum, to create the same air flow as one powerful but noisy wind. Reduce the ventilation speed by reducing its power supply. Five volts make the fan cool, and there's no noise, and some air is still pumping. 5B needs to be taken from the power unit, it's a red and black wire. I switched red and yellow wires in the transfer box. There was a slight breakdown in colour markings, but there was no need for a peacock. To reduce vibration, the fan is clicked with the "Moment" cage through the plug. |